Douglas “D. W.” Mellor

Douglas MellorDouglas “D. W.” Mellor first found his affinity for photography in 1968 when he visited the museum as a college student. The Philadelphia native, now a photographer in his own right, has been a loyal museum member since 1994, and his love for photography inspired him to contribute funds to support the Prints, Drawings, and Photographs department. Collecting works from the medium that inspired him throughout his career, he has also gifted more than 100 works on paper by artists like Harry Callahan, William Christenberry, Emmet Gowin, and himself—including a portfolio of photographs and a letter by his muse, Tom Garvey. He has been a member of the Fiske Kimball Society and the Anne d’Harnoncourt Society since 2014.

“If it weren’t for the museum,” Mellor says, “I wouldn’t have discovered my passion for photography. This institution changed my life... I give to the museum in hopes of inspiring others to look closely and find their own passion.”